Achievements 7.x-1.5, 2012-05-01 -------------------------------- * (todo) Add some links for good achievement design? * (todo) We have an unindexed query in the two leaderboard functions. * Solve with a new at.sort column, similar to comment.module threading. * Store USER_TOTAL - 0.UNLOCK_YYMMDDHHSS. Sort on that, not at.timestamp. 100 points - 0.50 timestamp (really early in life) 100 points - 0.99 timestamp (later in life) 90 points - 0.10 (the earliest sap, but not a winner) * API CHANGE! API CHANGE! API CHANGE! API CHANGE! API CHANGE! API CHANGE! * If you have any 'hidden' type achievements, retype them to 'secret'. * "secret achievement" is more commonly known than "hidden achievement". * "secret" reads better with the newly available "invisible" type (below). * IF YOU DON'T RETYPE, HIDDEN ACHIEVEMENTS WILL BE EXPOSED TO USERS. * 'invisible' achievement types can now be created. * These will NOT display on a user's Achievements tab (unless unlocked). * They will display elsewhere as needed (leaderboards, per-page, etc.). * Some possible uses of 'invisible' achievements include: * Tenure-based achievements to thank long-time users, beta testers, etc. * To "reveal" a user's achievements instead of defaulting to all locked. * You can set an achievement to be both 'secret' and 'invisible'. * Makes it invisible on the user's Achievements tab (unless unlocked). * Shows the secret placeholder text when displayed elsewhere. * New hook added: hook_achievements_access_earn(). * Allows you to programmatically determine if a user can earn achievements. * See the new submodule, achievements_optout, for an example of its use. * A new and optional submodule is added: achievements_optout. * Adds a new setting to a user's profile to opt-out of achievements. * If selected, all that user's unlocks and statistics are deleted. * If selected, that user's Achievements tab shows them opted-out. * An opted-out user can unselect the checkbox to start earning anew. * A new and optional submodule is added: achievements_pointless. * The module removes all the default competitive elements and display. * With a non-competitive environment, it's about challenging yourself. * All access to leaderboard pages and the default block is disabled. * No ranking information or achievement points are displayed. * user/#/achievements is the sole me-centric interface. * Per-load unlocks cache is now updated after new achievement unlocks. * Accept user IDs as well as names for manual achievement (un)?locking. * If 'points' is left undefined for an achievement, default to 0. * The achievements leaderboard block is no longer cached. Le sigh. * #1230506: Hopefully fixing SQL error for unknown achievement IDs. * #1341546: Mismatched leaderboard length defaults (thanks makononov). * #1373078: Locked achievements leaderboard tweaks (thanks aaronwinborn). * #1396776: Allow unlocked timestamp to be passed (thanks jhedstrom). * #1508572: Check earn access before admin give (thanks Royce Kimmons). Achievements 7.x-1.4, 2011-11-10 -------------------------------- * achievement-latest-unlock.tpl.php added and used in the leaderboard. * All template files have been moved to templates/ subdirectory. * Most .tpl.php $variables are now render arrays instead of strings. * This allows for easier modifications in preprocess hooks. * You WILL need to modify any overridden themes to support this. * You should be able to just replace "print $a" with "print render($a)"; * "image_path" added to themes for the context-aware image path. * "achievement_title" added to themes for easier linked title display. * "achievement_points" added to themes as a renderable "$n points" string. * Fixed double-encoding bug in titles of achievements/leaderboard/$AID. * achievements_locked() added for programmatic taking away of an unlock. * achievements_storage_del() added to complement the _set and _get ones. * tabindex on achievement notification was rewritten into a CSS override. * #theme => 'achievement' usage has gained contextual theme suggestions. * Admins can no longer take away an achievement the user hasn't unlocked. * An empty relative leaderboard table is no longer displayed in the HTML. * "achievement-leaderboard-top-rank" CSS class added to top 3 rank rows. * "achievement-leaderboard-top-rank-[123]" CSS class added to top 3 rank rows. * theme_achievements_group_wrapper() added (wraps around user/#/achievements). * theme_achievement_group_wrapper() added (wraps around an achievement group). * Stats on user/#/achievements are themed with theme_achievement_user_stats(). * Achievement popups do not fade out if you hover over them (thanks Poetro). * New hook added: hook_achievements_leaderboard_alter(). * Lets you add new table columns or heavily modify leaderboard display. * Context (type of leaderboard, block, etc.) and raw data is passed. * See achievements.api.php for full details about the new hook. Achievements 7.x-1.3, 2011-09-29 -------------------------------- * The following hooks have been added. See achievements.api.php for details: * hook_achievements_info_alter() - modify the achievement information. * hook_achievements_unlocked() - respond to achievement unlocks. * hook_achievements_locked() - respond to a user losing an achievement. * Relative leaderboards have been added. * The block and global leaderboard can now show user-specific stats. * The current user's ranking can be displayed, along with "nearby" users. * "Nearby" users are a number of ranks before and after the current user. * The number of nearby ranks shown can be 0 through 10. * The block and global leaderboard can be configured separately. * The global leaderboard now shows a user's latest achievement. * New leaderboard CSS class added: achievements-leaderboard-current-user. * The global leaderboard is now a paged view instead of a set limit. * Control number of ranks per page at admin/config/people/achievements/. * achievements_totals() no longer exists; moved inline to leaderboard page. * achievements_totals_user() has been rewritten with different parameters. * We now load all of a user's unlocks in achievements_unlocked_already(). * This is then cached for all future lookups during that page load. * a_u_a and a_u can be called a lot per page for heavy achievement sites. * Loading all and caching is better, performance-wise, then lots of singles. * The database tables have been tweaked to support latest-unlock lookups. * Issue #1274350 by makononov: added query tags for the leaderboards. * Fixed some warnings that appeared in a first-time installation. Achievements 7.x-1.2, 2011-09-07 -------------------------------- * Achievement unlock notifications are now JS fadeins and offline-able. * We no longer use drupal_set_message() to inform of an unlock. * A new achievement-notification.tpl.php controls the appearance. * Unlock notifications now fade in and out at the window's bottom right. * We now track whether a user has seen an achievement unlock notification. * If they haven't, they will the next time they login or access the site. * Leaderboard top rank counts can now be tweaked in the relevant configs. * This is in preparation for "relative leaderboards" planned for 7.x-1.3. * Unlocked achievements on user/#/achievements can now be unsorted. * That is, instead of "move to top" they can remain "as defined in code". * Defaults to "move to top". Config at admin/config/people/achievements. * Block 'achievements-leaderboard' renamed with underscores not dashes. * If you're using this block, you'll need to place it again upon upgrade. * Fixed a few PHP warnings when a user has yet to unlock any achievements. * Achievement unlocks are now logged in watchdog. * Variables are now properly deleted on uninstall. Achievements 7.x-1.1, 2011-07-18 -------------------------------- * Achievements can now be categorized into groups. * Grouped achievements will be displayed within jQuery UI tabs. * If groups exist, ungrouped achievements "upgrade" automatically. * See achievements.api.php for more on how to define achievement groups. * Achievements can now have images. * Three possible display states: locked, unlocked, and hidden. * Admins may set the default images at admin/config/people/achievements. * An 'images' array has been added to hook_achievements_info() definitions. * Per-achievement images can override the default on a per-state basis. * CSS tweaks were made for a more flexible achievement display. * Default images have been provided for each of the three states. * Administrators can now manually give and take achievements from users. * It's problematic on progression-based achievements and internal statistics. * hook_achievements_info() gets 'storage' to define where statistics are kept. * If 'storage' is not specified, assume it exists under the achievement ID. * See admin/config/people/achievements for the disclaimer text on usage. * See achievements.api.php for more on 'storage' and a revised HOWTO. * A new permission, "Earn achievements", has been added. * It is REQUIRED and NECESSARY for all roles that can unlock achievements. * Core functions check for it so you shouldn't need it in your own code. * If you think you need to check, use achievements_user_is_achiever(). * Removing this permission from a role does NOT delete data or ranks. * It does stop, however, the collection of new data, points, or unlocks. * achievements/leaderboard/NONEXISTENT now returns a 404. * Locked achievements are now displayed on a user's achievements tab. * No more warnings when viewing a user with no achievement unlocks. * 'id' is no longer duplicated in hook_achievements_info() definitions. * achievements.tpl.php has had its PHP moved to template_preprocess_hook(). * New variables have been added to streamline the display code. Achievements 7.x-1.0, 2011-07-07 -------------------------------- * First release for Drupal 7.x.