CHANGELOG for Amazon Store amazon_store-7.x-1.x-beta5 [#1164990] by mcurry amazon_store-7.x-1.x-beta4 ---------------------- [#1044270] by Pancho: Fix info file format [#735464] by rfay: Standardize handling of Editorial Review (Item description) [#1010484] by the_g_bomb, rfay: Fix markup issues in item_detail.tpl.php amazon_store-7.x-1.x-beta2 -------------------------- [#1040244] by Pancho: eradicate deprecated ereg_replace() [#1041088] by Pancho: use module_load_include() instead of include_once() [#1033566] by Pancho: remove debugging code [#1034774] by Pancho: fix callback signatures for all forms amazon_store-7.x-1.x-beta1 -------------------------- [#878048] by the_g_bomb: Fix cart-add confirmation message. [#597362] by frando: Fix tpl.php that had functions in it. [#965512] by rfay: Change to new menu settings (admin/config/amazon_settings/amazon_store) [#905200] by rfay: Amazon has removed Customer Reviews. Adjust things. [#883484] by rfay: Provide colorbox support (instead of thickbox) [#989110] by rfay: Fixup behavior when js not enabled. [#989106] by rfay: Fix up show/hide full description link [#989108] by rfay: Form theming (link buttons, etc.) amazon_store-6.x-2.0-RC2 ------------------------ [#764116] by rfay: Implement a real pager for search results! [#620332] by rfay: Fixed Fix author, composer, performer links so they actually work [#735794] by rfay: Add rel=nofollow to amazon links. [#671682] by rfay: Fix up localization errors. Includes [#713648]. [#740796] by rfay: Fix accidental implementation of hook_locale() which caused warnings. * Followup to #559918 by rfay: Fix broken search pulldown (again) * #661634 by rfay: Cart page (amazon_store/cart) cached for anonymous users. * Followup to #639312 by rfay: Move linkbutton to its own theme hook. * #658168 by rfay: 'Clear cart' is a link, should be a POST not a GET. amazon_store 2.0-RC1 -------------------- * #655626 by rfay: Remove ugly graphic from search block. Improve alignment of search blocks in various themes. Wider (and configurable) keyword entry area in search block. Add configuration to both blocks. * #652350 by rfay: Remove links from features section of item detail page. * #652078 by rfay: Add a themable block with links to categories. * #588958 by rfay: Improve caching by splitting into 2 tables and use shorter refresh intervals. * #559918 by rfay: Make category list configurable so categories can be excluded. * #566016 by rfay: Allow more liberal filtering of product description so the whole thing comes through. * #649380 by rfay: Make category pulldown optional on search page. * #648980 by rfay: Settings - allow separate control of front page search index * #639312 by rfay: Change links to use 'buttonize' class instead of using background graphics. * Change to cache results from different locales separately, so that changing locale doesn't lead to confused results. * Don't show editorial review (Product Description) if it doesn't exist. Unfortunately, locales other than US locale don't provide this response. * Add configuration option for Merchant ID in search. You can now search all merchants or just amazon_store 2.0alpha1 2009-07-19 -------------------------------- Features: #502156: Support Panels/Ctools 3 #426912: Support alternate Amazon locales (Thanks, @the_g_bomb) Bug Fixes: #492460: Shopping cart image did not display in many situations. #494304: Add to cart on Ubercart causes Amazon Store error messages. Many small fixes to PHP style, and issues pointed out by logging errors #522168 and #510980: Improve handling of random URL tossed at Amazon_store amazon_store 1.0beta3 2009-05-29 -------------------------------- Bug fixes: #474610: "Add to cart" should increment count if the cart already has item in it #466616: Button images don't show if clean urls turned off #461598: When SearchIndex equals All, BrowseNode cannot be present. I also turned off the drupal_set_message() that by default was shown any time the Amazon API returned an error, regardless of whether it was significant to the user or not. These things still go into watchdog. amazon_store 1.0beta2 2009-04-05 ---------------------- - Added ability to configure default items in amazon_store by SearchIndex, BrowseNode, or by an ItemId list of ASINs - Added admin capability to turn on or off the Search at the top of the amazon_store page, and also turn on or off the "Narrow By" and "Sort By" forms - Added ItemId type as part of URL - Added CHANGELOG.txt - Added javascript behavior to show/hide full project description on the search results page - Removed ugly extra entries under the amazon_store menu item - Moved the search form into themable territory. You can theme the entire search results page (/amazon_store) by putting amazon_store_search_results.tpl.php into your theme's directory and then changing it. So you can change everything about that page. Patches for improved display are welcome, as is CSS that you like. - #424988 - Selected Product in my amazon store - #427726 - Removal of search. Addition of view, or block - #427156 - javascript:void(null) - Or, Show/hide full description not working. - #424740 - Error with Amazon Module (same as - Now validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict - #3568 (alonovo) - Search results pager was willing to go past the end of the results. This pager can certainly still use improvement - #446300 - Error with links not done correctly in a site that's not in the root. amazon_store 1.0beta1 2009-04-05 ---------------------- - Initial Release