The currency module provides two callable API functions that allow other modules to do real time currency exchange. The functions are: function currency_api_convert($currency_from, $currency_to, $amount = 1) * This function converts two currencies using exchange rates from Yahoo Finance. * The currency codes are standard ISO 3-letter codes, and you can find the details * here: * * * Here is an example on how to use it: * * $from = 'CAD'; * $to = 'USD'; * $amt = 20; * $ret = currency_api_convert($from, $to, $amt); * if ($ret['status'] == FALSE) { * drupal_set_message(t('An error occured: '). $ret['message']); * } * else { * print $amt . ' ' . $from . ' = ' . $ret['value'] . ' ' . $to; * } * * @param $currency_from * Currency to convert from. * @param $currency_to * Currency to convert to. * @param $amount * (optional) Amount to convert. Defaults to 1. * @param $decimals * (optional) Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Leave out this * parameter if you want the actual currency result to proceess it yourself. * Defaults to NULL. * * @return $result * An associative array that contains the following: * $result['status'] - TRUE or FALSE * $result['message'] - 'success' when status is TRUE, otherwise, contains a * descriptive error text * The following items are only returned when status is TRUE * $result['value'] - $amount * exchange rate of $currency_from into $currency_to * $result['rate'] - Exchange rate of $currency_from into $currency_to * $result['timestamp'] - Timestamp of the last update to the rates * $result['date'] - Date of the last update to the rates (Format is "m/d/yyyy") * $result['time'] - Time of the last update to the rates (Format is "h:mmpm") function currency_api_get_desc($currency) * This function gets the currency name for a standard ISO 3-letter codes, * You can find the details here: * * * Here is an example on how to use it: * * $ccode = 'CAD'; * $ret = currency_get_description($ccode); * if ($ret == FALSE) * { * drupal_set_message(t('Could not get description')); * } * else * { * print $ccode .' => '. $ret; * } * * @param $currency * Currency code (3-letter ISO) * * @return $result * Contains FALSE if the currency cannot be found, otherwise, it * has the description. function currency_api_get_symbol($currency) * This function gets the currency symbol for a standard ISO 3-letter codes, * You can find the details here: * * * Here is an example on how to use it: * * $ccode = 'CAD'; * $ret = currency_api_get_symbol($ccode); * if ($ret == FALSE) { * drupal_set_message(t('Could not get symbol')); * } * else { * print $ccode .' => '. $ret; * } * * @param $currency * Currency code (3-letter ISO) * * @return $result * Contains FALSE if the currency symbol cannot be found, otherwise, it * has the symbol. function currency_api_get_list() * Returns a list of supported currencies