=== DRUPAL 7.x-2.x === 7.x-2.0-beta1 - FEATURE: Initial coder_upgrade changes to start the D7 upgrade. - BUG #735848: functional port to Drupal 7. 7.x-2.0-beta2 - BUG #975138: setting parent depth to 0 if it doesn't have one to remove undefined var notice. - FEATURE #261773: Imported translations to localization server and removed CVS files. - BUG #1017618: fixed undefined variable notice. - TASK #987530: get menu parents to display for selection. - FEATURE: adding NM config to the user interface settings so it can be accessed from the UI. 7.x-2.0-beta3 - BUG #1074438: css changes to d7 patch from austinmroczek woot. - BUG #1058852: adding settings page link to the modules page. - BUG #1088058: from Snicers. small css edit. - TASK: Removing translation directories. - TASK: Stripping CVS keywords. 7.x-2.0 - TASK #906130: Incompatible with Menu Attributes module. - TASK #1002054: menu name change for D7 thanks for hammering that one out. - TASK #1193610: preventing php notice on empty menu. - TASK #1180958: i18n issues with nice menus. thanks amateescu and czigor. - BUG #1043824: Thanks loads m4olivei for the php notice fix. - BUG #1101722: fix a php notice. 7.x-2.1 - BUG #1408112: small tweak with undefined variable. Thanks e-anima. - BUG #1216372: Fixes issues with special menu items module and probably other modules using theme_menu_link. - BUG #1432762: Fixing RTL Default CSS not done since the port to 7. - TASK: Not much, but I'm still alive. 7.x-2.2 - TASK #886338:Added standard classes for primary and secondary links. - TASK #1958768: Make nice_menus() module pass Coder Review. clean code. - BUG fix default Animation speed. - FEATURE #1961778: Added Contextual links for directly editing menu and menu links. - TASK #1958768: Make nice_menus() module pass Coder Review admin configure path error to 7.x-2.x. - TASK #1958768: Make nice_menus() module pass Coder Review. - TASK: move css, js and image field to the specified directory. - TASK #1958768: Make nice_menus() module pass Coder Review. - FEATURE #1555052: Added Menus not marked 'Expanded' should not fly-out or drop-down. - TASK #1710492: Fixed Improve class from menu path. - TASK #1331264: Added Integrate with Context UI for setting active menu?. - TASK #1298114: Starting level/depth of a Nice Menu in Drupal 7. - TASK #1608510: Remove all drupal_add_js with hook_libraries Remove all drupal_add_js with hook_libraries. - BUG #1050352: translated menu items displayed in the default language. - TASK #1932752: Moved admin config form page to admin.inc file. - TASK #1476504: An Notice: "Undefined index: #original_link" appears on my page. - TASK #1411334: Options widgets' labels should follow drupal coding standards on capitalization. - TASK #1363316: Add Nice Menus to Drupal.behaviors function deviantintegral is the fricken man. 7.x-2.3 - BUG #1992154: Fixed active-trail class not properly applied 7.x-2.4 - BUG #2036343 Minor typo in the module's config page. - BUG #2020617 move all js and css to hook_block_view_alter(). - FEATURE #2001616 upgrade included superfish,bgiframe and hoverIntent library.