Changes since 7.x-1.2 : * Added pgnData as possible attribute to allow for bigger PGN files. * Added several [pgn] tag parameters such as initialHalfmove, autoplayMode and others. * Add "Configure" link to "Modules" page. Changes in 7.x-1.2 : * Global configuration of board.html look and feel. * Added documentation about * Use xbbcode module instead of our own filter. This is more robust as we don't have to reinvent the wheel and parse strings ourselves. Changes in 7.x-1.1 : * Changed Pgn4web to pgn4web as the author of pgn4web prefers it this way. * Added comment about requiring "Libraries API" module. * Added dependency on "Libraries API" module version 2.x. * Allow for multiple games in one PGN. Added pgn4web-multiple as class to the generated iframe in this case. Changes in 7.x-1.0 : * Initial release.