Example 1
The following definition list has two expanders assigned to it, one for the first answer and one for the other two. The second expander has a number of options set for it, including three "callbacks" which invoke functions at three separate moments.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('dl.expander dd:eq(0)').expander();
$('dl.expander dd:gt(0)').expander({
collapseTimer: 4000,
beforeExpand: function() {
$(this).parent().parent().append('<div class="success">before expand.</div>');
afterExpand: function() {
$(this).parent().parent().append('<div class="success">after expand.</div>');
onCollapse: function(byUser) {
var by = byUser ? 'user' : 'timer';
$(this).parent().parent().append('<div class="success">on collapse (' + by + ').</div>');
Note that the third answer does not have a "read more" link because it's using the default value of 100 characters and 4 "widow" words as its cut-off. No sense in linking to read more when there isn't much more to read.
Example 2
The following list items have a single expander assigned to them with a few custom options set.
$('ul.expander li').expander({
slicePoint: 50,
widow: 2,
expandEffect: 'show',
userCollapseText: '[^]'
Hey, why is the first <li>
collapsed? Well, the first list item is a trick! Rather than let the plugin decide where to truncate the text, I put the links and the span directly in the HTML. It looks like this:
<li>Run a marathon <span class="read-more"><a href="#">[...]</a></span><span class="details">and qualify for Boston.</span></li>
Example 3
The Expander Plugin now works for block-level elements, too.